
The University of New England is pleased to announce that its Department of 护理 is expanding to form a school that reflects the program’s growth, 它对公共卫生的承诺, and the meaningful and substantive grant funding awarded to the program. 

The UNE 护理与人口健康学院 will build upon the 护理 program’s previous work in providing access to nursing education and addressing critical workforce training needs to help nurses treat the state’s most vulnerable populations. 

The school houses the existing undergraduate nursing programs — a 传统的四年制课程 和一个 加速程序 for those with prior bachelor’s degrees in other majors. 除了, we will look to expand to include a Doctor of 护理 Practice (DNP), 在公共卫生护理和领导力方面有所成就, 护理教育.



The University of New England's 护理 Program is accredited by the 认证 Commission for Education 在护理 (ACEN).

亚特兰大,乔治亚州. 30326
(404) 975-5000

The program has also been approved by the Maine State Board of 护理.



护理, 一门关怀的艺术和科学, encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to health and illness. Nurses use a variety of models to guide people of many cultures toward identifying their own health care and healing needs. Nurses model self-care while supporting people in their own pursuit of health. 人 are born with healing capacities with or without perception of these capacities although a cure is not always certain. The nurse as a health care resource is available to assist people to move toward and maintain health in their human experiences. The society in which the nurse functions are rapidly changing and is technologically oriented. Nurses use knowledge gained from client preferences and values, 临床专业知识, and best research evidence as well as the integral process to guide their practice. The practice of nursing must be in accordance with established standards of clinical practice and the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics (ANA, 2001)和缅因州护士核心能力(MPNEP), 2012).

健康, 幸福:个人感知到的幸福状态, is an ever-changing holistic interplay among the physiological, 精神上的, 心理, 社会, 文化, 人的认知和情感维度. Our faculty believes that reflective practice is a continuous one wherein you develop a unique holistic awareness of self and how one’s self affects others. 随着人的成长和发展, they strive to meet the needs of these interconnected dimensions to achieve a sense of harmony and balance between self and environment. Clients, as partners in their care, may be individuals, 家庭, groups or communities. 我们重视独特性, 价值, 尊严, and integrity of all people and believe that each human being is a dynamic holistic system. 

The essence of professional nursing education lies in the integration of academic and clinical experience. Our faculty are committed to a foundation of study grounded in arts, 科学, and humanities that leads to Interprofessional 护理教育. 获得以能力为基础的知识, 技能, and attitudes prepare future nurses to meet the healthcare needs of a diverse population. We believe that student-centeredness is the cornerstone to optimal learning and are committed to a supportive, 有爱心的, and interactive environment that takes into account the diversity of culture and experience that you bring to the learning situation. Learning is a collaborative process whereby you and faculty learn from each other, 客户, 同行, 导师, 以及其他医疗保健专业人员.


The mission of the 护理与人口健康学院 is to facilitate the education of future professional nurses to be effective clinicians and leaders. 作为临床医生, 你准备提升所有人的能力, 家庭, and communities in attaining their highest level of wellness. 作为领导者, you are prepared to use research for evaluating and improving health care approaches and for continued study in nursing.



As a student in our 护理与人口健康学院 traditional four-year undergraduate programs, 你在全球网络赌博平台缅因州的两个校区学习, and you have opportunities to spend a semester abroad on our Morocco campus.

UNE’s scenic Biddeford校园 sits where the waters of the Saco River flow into the Atlantic Ocean. 最近被评为缅因州最年轻的城市, 比德福德和它的孪生城市, Saco, 夸耀自己有前途, 时尚的市中心提供美味的餐馆, 精彩的社会和文化活动, 和更多的. With the transformation of the old Biddeford/Saco mills into 餐厅, 啤酒厂, 住房, 健身设施, 沙龙, 和零售商, 在市中心,每个人都有值得探索的地方.

在获得B级加速课程的同时.S. 在护理, you will study on our historic Portland campus. Located in a quiet neighborhood just 10 minutes from downtown Portland, 校园靠近主要的临床站点, 购物, 夜生活, 文化活动, 餐厅, 海滩, 港口, 步行和自行车道等等. Named “America’s Most Livable City” by Forbes and “Foodiest Small Town in America” by Bon Appetit, 波特兰是每个名单上的城市. A rustic port hosts a cool 文化 scene — with outdoor adventure all around.



