职业建议 and UNE Faculty

We are eager to partner with faculty to provide UNE students with the best possible preparation for their professional endeavors and support their career development. 我们依靠你的支持, 援助, and referrals as students explore their vocational aspirations and goals. Together, we can create a comprehensive career development initiative for our students.

What 职业建议 Can Do 为教师

  • Serve as an effective referral resource.
  • Support, promote, and participate in departmental activities.
  • Provide a substitute teaching option covering specific career-related questions.
  • Share pertinent employment/internship information.
  • 访问 classes to describe services and/or present in-class workshops on career-related topics.
  • Forward recommendation letter guidelines (developed by the National Association of 大学 and Employers).
  • Refer students to departmental faculty for consultation regarding academic major/minor decisions.
  • Provide data from recent graduates via the annual Graduate Survey.
  • Promote the academic preparation of UNE graduates.

What Faculty Can Do For 职业建议

  • Assist students in developing life-long career pursuits and leadership skills.
  • Refer your students to us.
  • Promote our programming; include our programming on your course syllabi.
  • Develop collaborative programming including career components.
  • Coordinate with our efforts in working with employers and sharing contacts.
  • Utilize our professional staff when presenting relevant courses/topics within courses.
  • Encourage graduating students to complete the Graduate Survey, information that is valuable to the entire UNE community.


Here are some of the ways you can partner with us. We're also open to any other collaboration ideas you have. 


Integrate a workshop from the roster below into your syllabus schedule. We can also create other workshops based on your needs. 如需预订,请全球网络赌博平台.


需要取消一节课? 先全球网络赌博平台. Depending on our availability, we might be able to host your class and present on any number of topics: 

  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • 招聘会准备
  • Networking tips and techniques
  • 基本财务规划
  • 个人品牌
  • 职业礼仪
  • Creating a job search strategy
  • Negotiating job offers and contracts
  • 面试技巧
  • Presentations featuring alumni and/or employers


With membership in various human resources, 招聘, and professional organizations, we serve as an external representative of the University of New England. In 招聘 employers for our Career Fair and researching job prospects for students and alumni, 我们不断地寻找, 培养, and update an ever-growing employer contact database. We are happy to share our knowledge and contacts with your department. 同样的, feel free to share with us your relevant contacts, so we can provide our students with even more employment opportunity awareness.