Earn your Bachelor's in 社会工作 and Learn to Help Others

对一些人来说, 社会正义, 包容, and compassion are more than just words — they are a call to action in a world that urgently needs our help. UNE’s 社会工作学士 程序 educates the next generation of social workers who will answer that summons. Our relationship-based learning philosophy transforms values into action. We’ll give you the experience and the knowledge you need to have a tangible, 对你生活的世界产生积极的影响. You’ll embark on your career with the tools to empower and support others; find solutions to systemic problems; and build strong, 关心社区. 你打算怎样做好事?

A social work student sits with a client as they paint


You will be immersed within an innovative web of interdisciplinary University partnerships as part of your learning. Situated in a uniquely interprofessional educational environment, our 程序 enables you to learn with and from students from a multitude of majors in the health professions and in the liberal arts.  

  • Simulation practice experiences with students in other health professions and disciplines
  • Meaningful community-based service learning
  • 令人兴奋的实习机会
  • 本科生研究机会
  • Mental 健康 Rehabilitation Technician Certification
  • 4+1 option to pursue a UNE 社会工作硕士 degree
去全球网络赌博平台, where I am part of a community where I can stand up for what I believe in, 是难以置信的. 人 here are supportive 和一个ccepting of students wanting to make positive change.

你将学习什么? 社会工作学士课程概述

Our 社会工作 degree is part of UNE’s 健康促进研究司. The following are some examples of the rewarding courses that you may take:

  • 人类行为与社会工作理论
  • 社会福利政策和宣传
  • 创伤和复原力
  • 物质使用障碍
  • 团体和社区的社会工作

B.S.W.,我们也提供 辅修社会工作 和一个 4+1 B.S.W./M.S.W. 程序.

根据CSWE, B.S.W. 程序 does not give credit for past work/life experiences.


生物104/104L -普通生物学带实验室4
BUEC 203 -宏观经济学3
eng110 -英语写作4
EXS 120 -个人健康 & 健康3
IHS 130 – Interprofessional 健康 Care First Year Experience3
IHS 310 – Ethics for Interprofessional Practice3
MAT 120 -统计 or MAT150 -生命科学统计学3
鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
PSY 205 -变态心理学3
鸟叔250 -寿命发展3
PUB 300 -全球健康3
SOC 150 -社会学入门3
SPC 100 -演讲入门3
One (1) Creative Arts course (with ARH/ART/MUS prefix)3
One (1) Human Behavior course (with PSY, SOC, ANT, WGST prefix)3
One (1) Political 科学 course (with PSC prefix)3
OS 341 – 健康 and 健康 in an Aging Society (formerly HWOS 341)3
OS 434 – Substance Use and Misuse (formerly HWOS 434)3
SSW 200 -社会工作导论3
SSW 300 – 人类行为与社会工作理论 I3
SSW 310 – 社会福利政策和宣传 I3
SSW 320 – 人类行为与社会工作理论 II3
SSW 330 – 社会福利政策和宣传 II3
SSW 335 - Soc工作实习介绍1
SSW 350 -社会工作实践中的伦理3
SSW 400 -社会工作方法I3
SSW 410 -实地实习 & 研讨会我6
SSW 430 -社会工作方法II3
SSW 440 -实地实习 & 研讨会二世6
SSW 460 -团体社会工作实务3
Two (2) 社会工作 Electives with SSW prefix6

有关更多信息,请参阅 学术目录 or 读B。.S.W. 手册(PDF).

学生 raise their hands to answer questions during a 社会正义 class


Our commitment to an inclusive and student-centered learning environment and our experiential learning philosophy will prepare you for careers in human services, 卫生保健, 以及许多其他人类服务组织.

There are multiple areas of social work 和一个 wide variety of settings in which you may seek employment:

  • 学校社会工作
  • 医务社会工作
  • 心理健康咨询
  • 军队社会工作
  • 物质使用和恢复服务
  • 支持小组辅导
  • 家庭及儿童社会工作
  • 监狱和监狱社会工作
  • 社会政策

新的社会工作职位 预计将在美国开业.S. 在2018年到2028年间

U.S. 美国劳工统计局,2019年


Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.

4+1 B.S.W./M.S.W. 程序

If you’re interested in getting a master’s degree in addition to your bachelor’s, explore our 4+1 B.S.W/M.S.W. 程序 to achieve both degrees within a condensed timeframe of just five years. It could put you on the fast track to reaching your professional goals.


You’ll take a cross-disciplinary approach as you gain practical experiences and participate in real-life community projects. At UNE, you don’t just study social work — you do social work.


You will participate in service-learning opportunities in the spring of your junior year. 服务站点包括:

  • 坎伯兰郡监狱
  • 缅因州少数族裔健康计划
  • 男孩 & 女孩俱乐部
  • 世界卫生伙伴
  • 本地施粥所
A student washes a man's feet at Milestone Recovery in Portland, ME


As part of our undergraduate 社会工作 degree during your senior year, you will take part in a two-semester weekly field internship at a local social service organization where you will develop social work skills and gain critical real-world social work experience. 网站包括:

  • 普雷布尔街资源中心
  • 计划生育
  • 悲伤儿童中心


As a comprehensive health sciences university, UNE offers abundant opportunities to prepare for contemporary team-based care, 利用临床模拟, 以及一系列共享学习活动.


The University of New England 社会工作学士 程序 is accredited through the Council on 社会工作 Education (CSWE).

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Ready to begin your future in UNE’s 社会工作学士? 今天就开始吧.